Life Expectancy and GDP

El Mulix
4 min readMar 29, 2021


For this project, we will analyze data on GDP and life expectancy from the World Health Organization and the World Bank to try and identify the relationship between the GDP and life expectancy of six countries(Chile, China, Germany,Mexico, United States and Zimbawe). The available data includes the years 2000 trough 2015. The available columns from the subset of data includes.

1. Country
2. Year
3. Life expectancy at birth (years) ‘LEABY’
4. GDP

GDP Source:World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files.

These are the question we will answer.

- Has life expectancy increased over time in the six nations?
- Has GDP increased over time in the six nations?
- Is there a correlation between GDP and life expectancy of a country?
- What is the average life expactancy in these nations?
- What is the distribution of that life expectancy?

We have a dataset available that has 96 rows with 4 columns.

  • Country
  • Year
  • LEABY (Life Expectancy a Birth in Years)
  • GDP

Life expectancy over time for the six nations.

LEABY (Life Expectancy at Birth in Years) by Country

Compare all countries life expectancy in one graph for better visualization.

Summarized LEABY by Country

The charts above shows the life expectancy `LEABY` over the years. The chart shows that every country has been increasing their life expectancy, but Zimbabwe has seen the greatest increase after a dip around 2004.

Has GDP increased over time in the six nations?

Summarized GDP by Country over the Years

In these plots we can see that the US and China have had a significant increase in GDP throughout the year. Germany has a modest growth. Mexico and Chile had a very minimal growth and Zimbabwe has been steady no major change.

Is there a correlation between GDP and life expectancy of a country?

LEABY vs GDP Distribution vy Country
LEABY vs GDP Distribution Summary

The previous two charts showed the relationship between GDP and LEABY (Life Expectancy at Birth in Years). It looks like the previous charts where GDP for Zimbabwe is staying flat, while their life expectancy is going up. For the other countries they seem to exhibit a rise in life expectancy as GDP goes up. The US and China seem to have very similar slopes in their relationship between GDP and LEABY.

What is the average life expectancy in these nations?

The previous barplot shows the average LEABY by Country. Below we calculated and printed the averages by Country.

LEABY Average by Country Table

What is the distribution of that life expectancy?

LEABY Distribution by Country over the Years

In the previous plot LEABY (Life Expectancy Distribution by Country), all of the countries have shorter ranges except for Zimbabwe which has a long range spanning from the high 30s to the high 60s.

What is the average GDP of each country?

Average GDP by Country over the Years.

In this bar plot we can appreciate the average GDP differences between the six countries. With US having the highest, China second, Germany third, Mexico fourth, Chile fifth and Zimbabwe at the end.

What is the GDP distribution for each country?

In the GDP distribution plot above, China and the US have a relatively wide ranges, where as Chile and Mexico have shorter ranges and Zimbabwe has almost no range.


The dataset for this project it was made of 96 rows and 4 columns (Country, Year, Life Expectancy at Birth (years) LEABY and GDP). The years go from 2000 through 2015.

With this data we were able to answer the questions at the beginning of the document:

- Has life expectancy increased over time in the six nations?
Yes it has with Zimbabwe having the greatest increase.
- Has GDP increased over time in the six nations?
GDP has also increased for all countries in our list, with China leading the way.
- Is there a correlation between GDP and life expectancy of a country?
Yes we can see a positive correlation between GDP and life expectancy for countries in our list.
- What is the average life expectancy in these nations?
Average life expectancy was between mid to high 70s for most of the countries except for Zimbabwe which was 50.
- What is the distribution of that life expectancy?
The life expectancy had a left skewed.



El Mulix
El Mulix

Written by El Mulix

Computer Systems Engineer/MBA/CPIM/SCM/ERP/Asperger. Father of triplets with ASD. Runner aficionado. Love the beach and sout beer.